é um curso de língua portuguesa com certeza
Learning Portuguese is a good decision because Portuguese is an increasingly important language worldwide , even reaching the status of an international language .
Learning Portuguese in a country where the language is spoken is naturally the fastest and most effective way to do it . If you want to learn to speak Portuguese, you must immerse yourself in the Portuguese language. Do you already have some skills (for example, reading and writing) and do you want to acquire more skills (especially listening and speaking) and deepen them?
BabeliUM proposes a diversified training offer in the area of Portuguese as a Non-Mother Language – Portuguese as a Foreign Language and Portuguese as a Second Language (PLNM – PLE / PL2), with courses always identified in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages . On a permanent and continuous basis , the following courses are held:
organized in 2 semesters
( October – January and February – May )
every year in july
in Braga and Guimaraes
organized in 2 semesters
( October – December and March – May )
BabeliUM organizes other courses with periodicity and specific characteristics, both in response to requests from entities and / or groups of people who intend to obtain / deepen knowledge and skills in the area of PLNM , as on the initiative of BabeliUM itself, whenever needs are diagnosed that the justify.
Still within the scope of training in PLNM, specialized training actions are carried out aimed at professionals (teachers and others) with interests in the area.
Please read the information about pre-application , registration , fees and general rules before completing the online application form.
The mode of operation of the course may have to undergo changes/adjustments if the global health situation so determines.
The annual course takes place from the 2nd October 2023 to the 26th January 2024 (1st semester) and from the 5th February to the 24th May 2024 (2nd semester).
Said course has 14 hours per week x 15 weeks and operates in Gualtar . In addition to the teaching component , the course also includes study visits and other cultural activities throughout the two semesters.
Each semester of the annual course can be attended separately , thus allowing students to organize their studies according to their needs. It is important, however, to note that the levels offered are different in each of the semesters , so you should always confirm that the semester in which you intend to enroll has the level you are looking for.
For example, the improvement level (C1) is only offered in the 2nd semester.
Registration fee : €150.00
Per semester:
Attendance fee for interns: €380 | Attendance fee for external students: 450€
Partial frequency of the course:
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language (6 hours per week):
Attendance fee for interns: 150€ | Attendance fee for external students: 200€
All others (4 hours per week):
Attendance fee for interns: 105€ | Attendance fee for external students: 160€
The mode of operation of the course may have to undergo changes/adjustments if the global health situation so determines.
The biannual courses take place from the 9th October to the 18th December 2023 (1st semester) and from the 4th March to the 22nd May 2024 (2nd semester).
Biannual courses are 60 hours long (6 hours per week), with two face to face classes and one class of autonomous work per week. They are aimed especially at Erasmus students , but also at the general public , and operate in Gualtar and Azurém .
The diagnostic test will be carried out online , and a link will be sent to the student after registration. The result must be later forwarded by email to portbabelium@elach.uminho.pt until the 11th February .
Registration fee: €50.00 (included in the attendance fee)
Erasmus UM, supported by the SRI: €100.00 (only valid for 1 semester)
Attendance fee for interns: €240.00
Attendance fee for external students: €300.00
The summer course takes place from the 1st to the 26th July 2024, from Monday to Friday, with a total teaching load of 72 hours. It works in Gualtar. In addition to the teaching component, the course also includes study visits and other cultural activities.
Without Enrollment:
Intern rate: 400€ | External fee: 500€
Frequency of separate course units :
€100 / course unit
Scholarships: BabeliUM – Language Center of the University of Minho (Braga-Portugal) offers 2 scholarships to attend the Summer Course of Portuguese as a Foreign Language to students who are enrolled in CERCLES member language centers, in BabeliUM partner universities and/or in one of Arqus Universities. For more information, please check document1 and document2 or contact: portbabelium@elach.uminho.pt.
BabeliUM – Language Centre of the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of Minho, in articulation with a consortium of Portuguese universities coordinated by the Camões Institute, has created the Online Summer Course in Portuguese Language and Culture, which will take place from 1 to 26 July 2024.
This Course will be a fully e-learning course, and can be attended by students interested in deepening their knowledge of Portuguese, at an intermediate level (B2), anywhere in the world.
Those interested in this course can apply for a scholarship from Instituto Camões, I. P. (www.instituto-camoes.pt).
Teachers: Joana Leite and Liliana Magalhães
Calendar: 1st to 26th July 2024
Timetable (each class will be open with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 students):
Class 1 – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – from 2pm to 3.30pm (Lisbon time zone)
Note: Wednesday is preferably reserved for cultural complementary activities. The offer and respective timetables will be announced on the first day of the course
Modality: e-learning (synchronous and asynchronous activities)
Synchronous mode – Google Classroom and Zoom
Asynchronous mode – Google Classroom, Zoom and Moodle
Hourly load:
Synchronous modality – 20 hours
Asynchronous modality – 40 hours
Candidacy requirements: Portuguese level B1 competency (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Technical Requirements:
computer with internet access, webcam and microphones;
software for the visualisation/audition of multimedia contents;
software to access documents in text format (e.g. Microsoft Word – Office; Pages – Apple…). In case you don’t have one of these softwares, you can install for free the LibreOffice Writer or the Apache OpenOffice Writer (available for several operative systems);
software to read pdf documents. You can install free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Enrollments are now open for the Online Summer Course of Portuguese as a Foreign Language at BabeliUM – Language Center of the School of Arts and Humanities , which runs from June 28 to July 23, 2021 .
The course has 48 hours (32 hours of online classes and 16 hours of autonomous work).
The level of the course corresponds to the A1 level of the CEFR and aims to enable students to acquire not only language and communication skills, but also cultural ones .
This course, offered as an e-learning program , is open to any student residing anywhere in the world who wants to improve their knowledge of Portuguese at beginner level (A1) and has a fee of €250 .
Students will receive a certificate at the end of the course, which will be issued by BabeliUM – Language Center of the School of Arts of the University of Minho.
Applications must be made at http://servicos.babelium.ilch.uminho.pt/
synchronous classes : 2 hours/day (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays)
asynchronous learning : 4 hours/week
Coordinator of PLE Courses:
Micaela Ramon
For more information, contact us portbabelium@elach.uminho.pt
The mode of operation of the course may have to undergo changes/adjustments if the global health situation so determines.
Beginning: July 2025
End: July 2025
Hours: Monday to Friday
The mode of operation of the course may have to undergo changes/adjustments if the global health situation so determines.
1st Semester:
Beginning: 30th September 2024
End: 24th January 2025
Easter break: 21st December 2024 to 5th January 2025 (dates inclusive)
Duration: 15 academic weeks
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
ROOM: 1.51 (ELACH)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
ROOM: 1.51 (ELACH)
Listening – Speaking Practices
ROOM: 1.51 (ELACH)
Listening – Speaking Practices
ROOM: 1.51 (ELACH)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
ROOM: 1.51 (ELACH)
Reading – Writing Practices
ROOM: 1.51 (ELACH)
Reading – Writing Practices
ROOM: 1.51 (ELACH)
Reading – Writing Practices
ROOM: 1.52 (ELACH)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
ROOM: 1.52 (ELACH)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
ROOM: 1.52 (ELACH)
Listening – Speaking Practices
ROOM: 1.52 (ELACH)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
ROOM: 1.52 (ELACH)
Listening – Speaking Practices
ROOM: 1.52 (ELACH)
Reading – Writing Practices
ROOM: 1.52 (ELACH)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
ROOM: Sala de Interpretação (Ed. 1)
Listening – Speaking Practices
ROOM: Sala de Interpretação (Ed. 1)
Listening – Speaking Practices
ROOM: Sala de Interpretação (Ed. 1)
Reading – Writing Practices
ROOM: Sala de Interpretação (Ed. 1)
Reading – Writing Practices
ROOM: Sala de Interpretação (Ed. 1)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
ROOM: Sala de Interpretação (Ed. 1)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
ROOM: Sala de Interpretação (Ed. 1)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
Room 1.53 (ELACH)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
Room 1.53 (ELACH)
Thematic Module
Room: 1.51 (ELACH)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
Room 1.53 (ELACH)
Speaking – Writing Practices
Room 1.53 (ELACH)
Speaking – Writing Practices
Room 1.53 (ELACH)
Thematic Module
Room: 1.51 (ELACH)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
Room 2.14 (ELACH)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
Room 2.14 (ELACH)
Thematic Module
Room: 1.51 (ELACH)
Lexicon and Structures of the Portuguese Language
Room 2.14 (ELACH)
Speaking – Writing Practices
Room 2.14 (ELACH)
Speaking – Writing Practices
Room 2.14 (ELACH)
Thematic Module
Room: 1.51 (ELACH)
Portuguese Language Literatures I
Pedro Meneses
14th March to 18th April (inclusive)
Thursday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Total: 20 hours
Contemporary Portugal I
Epifania Rodrigues
8th February to 7th March (inclusive)
Thursday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Total: 20 hours
Lusophone Cultures
Carolina Macedo
2nd to 23rd May (inclusive)
Thursday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Total: 16 hours
2nd semester
Nível A1 | N.º de Horas/semana, Horário |
Nível Iniciação – A1/A1+ Laboral De 4 de março a 22 de maio de 2024 Pré-requisitos: Não tem DOCENTES: Léxico e Estruturas da Língua Portuguesa: Práticas de Conversação/Escrita: | 6 horas/semana Horário: SALA: quarta-feira: 14h – 16h SALA: sexta-feira trabalho autónomo |
Nível A2 | N.º de Horas/semana, Horário |
Nível Iniciação+ – A2/A2+ Pós-Laboral De 5 de março a 23 de maio de 2024 DOCENTES: Léxico e Estruturas da Língua Portuguesa: Práticas de Conversação/Escrita: | 6 horas/semana Horário: SALA: quinta-feira: 18h – 20h SALA: sexta-feira trabalho autónomo |
Nível B1 | N.º de Horas/semana, Horário |
Nível Aperfeiçoamento – B1/B1+ Pós-Laboral De 4 de março a 22 de maio de 2024 Pré-requisitos: A2/A2+ DOCENTES: Léxico e Estruturas da Língua Portuguesa: Práticas de Conversação/Escrita: | 6 horas/semana Horário: SALA: quarta-feira: 18h – 20h SALA: sexta-feira trabalho autónomo |